lenskt klassisk massage innebar bearbetning av ett person’s mjukdelsvavnader (hud, bindvav och muskler). Det gör den effektiva och djupgaende behandlingen som fyller in i muskulaturen och hudens rorelseapparat.Find out : mbmassageterapi.se
GaewThaimassage är en thailandisk massageoperator i Halmstad. Firma ligger p Danska vagen 9 i Halmstad 302 91, SE och har 10 kuningar inom snittbetyget.
Vi erbjuder svensk klassisk massage samt terapeutisk behandling, idrottsmassage och smartlindrande massage. Det finns ocks foretagsmassage, behandling med medicinsk laser, infrarod bastu (IR-bastu) och kinesio- och idrottsstejpning.
Prenatal Massage in Halmstad: A Mother’s Blissful Retreat
Our golf massage focuses on the muscle groups most affected by frequent golfing and helps to improve your swing. The treatment is based on classic Swedish massage and includes the use of golf balls to increase the effect.
A gentle and relaxing massage that relieves pain in the shoulder and neck area. It also stimulates blood flow to the head and helps with concentration.
An uplifting experience that releases tension in the neck and shoulders, and promotes healthy blood circulation. In addition to this, it increases your energy levels and gives you a greater sense of well-being. It is a wonderful way to start the day. The aromatherapy used in this treatment helps you relax and feel more at ease during the treatment. It is a treatment you will always remember.